
Parse and demux MPEG Transport Streams (.ts) natively in GO

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

GoReportCard GoDoc Travis Coveralls

This is a Golang library to natively parse and demux MPEG Transport Streams (ts) in GO.

WARNING: this library is not yet production ready. Use at your own risks!


To install the library use the following:

go get -u github.com/asticode/go-astits/...

Before looking at the code...

The transport stream is made of packets.
Each packet has a header, an optional adaptation field and a payload.
Several payloads can be appended and parsed as a data.

                                           TRANSPORT STREAM
 |                                                                                                  |
                       PACKET                                         PACKET
 |                                              |                                              |
                                      |         |                                    |         |
                                      +---------+                                    +---------+
                                           |                                              |

Using the library in your code

WARNING: the code below doesn't handle errors for readability purposes. However you SHOULD!

// Create a cancellable context in case you want to stop reading packets/data any time you want
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

// Handle SIGTERM signal
ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {

// Open your file or initialize any kind of io.Reader
f, _ := os.Open("/path/to/file.ts")
defer f.Close()

// Create the demuxer
dmx := astits.New(ctx, f)
for {
    // Get the next data
    d, _ := dmx.NextData()
    // Data is a PMT data
    if d.PMT != nil {
        // Loop through elementary streams
        for _, es := range d.PMT.ElementaryStreams {
                fmt.Printf("Stream detected: %d\n", es.ElementaryPID)


In order to pass options to the demuxer, look for the methods prefixed with Opt and add them upon calling New:

// This is your custom packets parser
p := func(ps []*astits.Packet) (ds []*astits.Data, skip bool, err error) {
        // This is your logic
        skip = true

// Now you can create a demuxer with the proper options
dmx := New(ctx, f, OptPacketSize(192), OptPacketsParser(p))


This library provides a CLI that will automatically get installed in GOPATH/bin on go get execution.

List streams

$ astits -i <path to your file> -f <format: text|json (default: text)>

List packets

$ astits packets -i <path to your file>

List data

$ astits data -i <path to your file> -d <data type: eit|nit|... (repeatable argument | if empty, all data types are shown)>

Features and roadmap

  • Parse PES packets
  • Parse PAT packets
  • Parse PMT packets
  • Parse EIT packets
  • Parse NIT packets
  • Parse SDT packets
  • Parse TOT packets
  • Parse BAT packets
  • Parse DIT packets
  • Parse RST packets
  • Parse SIT packets
  • Parse ST packets
  • Parse TDT packets
  • Parse TSDT packets