The library can be imported directly from TS code with:
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
This demo uses an array of arrays as the core data structure. The component template includes a file input element, a table that updates based on the data, and a button to export the data.
OR it can generate worksheet From Table Data,Threse way may use less code, but it limited by table data,like image,button,it will not able to export.
Please See SheetJS Site
The default angular-cli configuration requires no additional configuration.
Some deployments use the SystemJS loader, which does require configuration. The SystemJS example shows the required meta and map settings:
meta: {
'xlsx': {
exports: 'XLSX' // <-- tell SystemJS to expose the XLSX variable
map: {
'xlsx': 'xlsx.full.min.js', // <-- make sure xlsx.full.min.js is in same dir
'fs': '', // <--|
'crypto': '', // <--| suppress native node modules
'stream': '' // <--|