Yew (pronounced /juː/
, the same way as "you") is a modern Rust framework inspired by Elm and ReactJS for
creating multi-threaded frontend apps with WebAssembly.
The framework supports multi-threading & concurrency out of the box. It uses Web Workers API to spawn actors (agents) in separate threads and uses a local scheduler attached to a thread for concurrent tasks.
Cutting Edge technologies
Rust to WASM compilation
This framework is designed to be compiled into modern browsers' runtimes: wasm, asm.js, emscripten.
To prepare the development environment use the installation instruction here: wasm-and-rust.
Clean MVC approach inspired by Elm and Redux
Yew implements strict application state management based on message passing and updates:
extern crate yew;
use yew::prelude::*;
struct Model { }
enum Msg {
impl Component for Model {
// Some details omitted. Explore the examples to see more.
type Message = Msg;
type Properties = ();
fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
Model { }
fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
match msg {
Msg::DoIt => {
// Update your model on events
impl Renderable<Model> for Model {
fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
html! {
// Render your model here
<button onclick=|_| Msg::DoIt,>{ "Click me!" }</button>
fn main() {
Predictable mutability and lifetimes (thanks Rust!) make it possible to reuse a single instance of the model without a need to create a fresh one on every update. It also helps to reduce memory allocations.
JSX-like templates with Feel free to put pure Rust code into HTML tags with all the compiler and borrow checker's benefits.
html! {
<section class="todoapp",>
<header class="header",>
<h1>{ "todos" }</h1>
{ view_input(&model) }
<section class="main",>
<input class="toggle-all",
onclick=|_| Msg::ToggleAll, />
{ view_entries(&model) }
Agents - actors model inspired by Erlang and Actix
Every Component
can spawn an agent and attach to it.
Agents are separate tasks that work concurrently.
Create your worker/agent (in
for example):
use yew::prelude::worker::*;
struct Worker {
link: AgentLink<Worker>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum Request {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum Response {
impl Agent for Worker {
// Available:
// - `Job` (one per bridge)
// - `Context` (shared in the same thread)
// - `Public` (separate thread).
type Reach = Context; // Spawn only one instance per thread (all components could reach this)
type Message = Msg;
type Input = Request;
type Output = Response;
// Create an instance with a link to agent's environment.
fn create(link: AgentLink<Self>) -> Self {
Worker { link }
// Handle inner messages (of services of `send_back` callbacks)
fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) { /* ... */ }
// Handle incoming messages from components of other agents.
fn handle(&mut self, msg: Self::Input, who: HandlerId) {
match msg {
Request::Question(_) => {, Response::Answer("That's cool!".into()));
Build the bridge to an instance of this agent. It spawns a worker automatically or reuses an existing one, depending on the type of the agent:
struct Model {
context: Box<Bridge<context::Worker>>,
enum Msg {
impl Component for Model {
type Message = Msg;
type Properties = ();
fn create(_: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
let callback = link.send_back(|_| Msg::ContextMsg);
// `Worker::bridge` spawns an instance if no one is available
let context = context::Worker::bridge(callback); // Connected! :tada:
Model { context }
You can use as many agents as you want. For example you could separate all interactions with a server to a separate thread (a real OS thread because Web Workers map to the native threads).
REMEMBER! Not every API is available for every environment. For example you can't use
from a separate thread. It won't work withPublic
agents, only withJob
Yew supports components! You could create a new one by implementing a Component
and including it directly into the html!
html! {
<nav class="menu",>
<MyButton: title="First Button",/>
<MyButton: title="Second Button",/>
Components live in an Angular-like scopes with parent-to-child (properties) and child-to-parent (events) interaction.
Properties are also pure Rust types with strict type-checking during the compilation.
html! {
<nav class="menu",>
<MyButton: color=Color::Red,/>
<MyButton: onclick=|_| ParentMsg::DoIt,/>
Yew supports fragments: elements without a parent which could be attached somewhere later.
html! {
<tr><td>{ "Row" }</td></tr>
<tr><td>{ "Row" }</td></tr>
<tr><td>{ "Row" }</td></tr>
Virtual DOM, independent loops, fine updates
Yew uses its own virtual-dom implementation. It updates the browser's DOM
with tiny patches when properties of elements have changed. Every component lives
in its own independent loop interacting with the environment (Scope
) through message passing
and supports a fine control of rendering.
The ShouldRender
returns the value which informs the loop when the component should be re-rendered:
fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
match msg {
Msg::UpdateValue(value) => {
self.value = value;
Msg::Ignore => {
Using ShouldRender
is more effective than comparing the model after every update because not every model
change leads to a view update. It allows the framework to skip the model comparison checks entirely.
This also allows you to control updates as precisely as possible.
Rust/JS/C-style comments in templates
Use single-line or multi-line Rust comments inside html-templates.
html! {
/* Write some ideas
* in multiline comments
<p>{ "and tags can be placed between comments!" }</p>
// <li>{ "or single-line comments" }</li>
Third-party crates and pure Rust expressions inside
Use external crates and put values from them into the template:
extern crate chrono;
use chrono::prelude::*;
impl Renderable<Model> for Model {
fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
html! {
<p>{ Local::now() }</p>
Some crates don't support the true wasm target (
) yet.
Yew has implemented pluggable services that allow you to call external APIs, such as: JavaScript alerts, timeout, storage, fetches and websockets. It's a handy alternative to subscriptions.
use yew::services::{ConsoleService, TimeoutService};
struct Model {
link: ComponentLink<Model>,
console: ConsoleService,
timeout: TimeoutService,
impl Component for Model {
fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
match msg {
Msg::Fire => {
let send_msg =|_| Msg::Timeout);
self.timeout.spawn(Duration::from_secs(5), send_msg);
Msg::Timeout => {
Can't find an essential service? Want to use a library from npm
You can reuse JavaScript
libraries with stdweb
capabilities and create
your own service implementation. Here's an example below of how to wrap the
ccxt library:
pub struct CcxtService(Option<Value>);
impl CcxtService {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let lib = js! {
return ccxt;
pub fn exchanges(&mut self) -> Vec<String> {
let lib = self.0.as_ref().expect("ccxt library object lost");
let v: Value = js! {
var ccxt = @{lib};
return ccxt.exchanges;
let v: Vec<String> = v.try_into().expect("can't extract exchanges");
// Wrap more methods here!
Easy-to-use data conversion and destructuring
Yew allows for serialization (store/send and restore/recieve) formats.
Implemented: JSON
In development: BSON
use yew::format::Json;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Client {
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
struct Model {
local_storage: StorageService,
clients: Vec<Client>,
impl Component for Model {
fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
Msg::Store => {
// Stores it, but in JSON format/layout, Json(&model.clients));
Msg::Restore => {
// Tries to read and destructure it as JSON formatted data
if let Json(Ok(clients)) = self.local_storage.restore(KEY) {
model.clients = clients;
is available by default but you can activate the rest through features in
your project's Cargo.toml
yew = { git = "", features = ["toml", "yaml", "msgpack", "cbor"] }
Development setup
Clone or download this repository.
Add necessary targets to your compiler:
$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
We recommend to use
target where possible, but some third-party crates can be compiled withwasm32-unknown-emscripten
target only.
To build this project you need to have cargo-web installed:
$ cargo install cargo-web
option to ensure you install the latest version.
$ cargo web build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown
Running Tests
$ ./ci/
Running the examples
There are many examples that show how the framework works: counter, crm, custom_components, dashboard, fragments, game_of_life, mount_point, npm_and_rest, timer, todomvc, two_apps.
To start an example enter its directory and start it with cargo-web:
$ cargo web start
To run an optimised build instead of a debug build use:
$ cargo web start --release
Note: By default, cargo-web
will use Emscripten to generate asm.js. You can also
compile to WebAssembly if you add either --target=wasm32-unknown-emscripten
, where the first one will use Emscripten and
the second one will use Rust's native WebAssembly backend (Rust nightly only!).