

This is a Packer template that build Windows EC2 instances in AWS.

It has been tested with Windows 2016/2019 and 2022.

The base build includes Chocolatey.

This Packer template builds within a VPC and it doesn't depend on IAM Policies as it got the required permissions to get the image done.


  • This has been implemented using Packer v1.8.5
  • Enough permissions in AWS to create EC2 resources in AWS.


The template can be run as per the example below:

packer init win_2022.pkr.hcl 
packer build -var 'windows_server_version=2022' win_2022.pkr.hcl


The folllowing variables can be defined:

Variables Type Description
aws_region String AWS Region
vpc_id String VPC ID
subnet_id String VPC Subnet ID
cidr_whitelisting List(string) CIDRs to whitelist During the Build
windows_server_version String Windows Server Version
instance_type String EC2 Instance Type
volume_size String AMI Volume Size
tags Map(String) Map of Tags
