This is a Vue.js web application for streaming radio stations from Somafm.com. This app uses the public SomaFM JSON channels API endpoint to pull in a list of stations and makes it easy to switch between stations. This app also uses Three.js and the HTML5 Web Audio Context API to sample audio data and create a visualizer effect for the selected station.
- 0
#29 opened by jacksongoode - 19
Audio not playing on iOS or Android (delete my previous issue opened this is my main account)
#26 opened by OfficialJimmyBatman - 1
Audio keeps having a network error at exactly 5 minutes in the music.
#28 opened by JakeTheMichealsdasfqaw - 1
AudioWorkletProcessor is not defined
#10 opened by rootux - 1
the best player for now
#3 opened by Nemra1 - 2
Do you have non vue version?
#6 opened by sonyarianto - 0
Safari and old chrome issues
#5 opened by pierreraii - 2
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Can your code be adapt to shoutcast?
#4 opened by romanoh - 1
Fonctionnality to add favorites tracks
#1 opened by husimo - 0
The phone page is wrong
#2 opened by ankylau