
Seabs: Solution Enumeration ABStraction for Alloy Models

Primary LanguageJava

Seabs: Solution Enumeration ABStraction

Seabs is our Java-based implementation to guide solution enumeration for Alloy models using abstract functions. The abstract function defines data abstractions to enhance solution enumeration by specifying how the solutions must differ. As a result, the collection of solutions enumerated are of high quality to the user and of a manageable size.


  • Operating Systems

    • Linux (64 bit)
    • Mac OS (64 bit)
  • Dependencies

    • Java 8: Must be installed and accessible from PATH.
    • Bash 4.4: Must be installed and accessible from PATH.
    • Alloy4.2: Must be in the classpath. Seabs comes with Alloy4.2 under libs/alloy4.2.jar.
    • Commons CLI 1.0: Must be in the classpath. Seabs comes with Commons CLI under libs/commons-cli-1.0.jar.


Clone Seabs repo

To run Seabs, use git to clone the repository.

git clone git@github.com:allisonius/Seabs.git

Quick Start:

Creating an Abstract Function

Seabs works with a user defined abstract function, which may be declared using the existing relations in the model or may require modeling additional signatures and relations (see our example models for inspiration on different types of abstract functions you may wish to define for your model).

Generating a KodKod Program Using the Abstraction Function

To generate a Java program which will instruct Alloy's backend, KodKod, to search for the next solution by applying an abstract function, run:

./seabs.sh --generate -p <arg> -i <arg> [-c] [-k] [-q <arg>] [-o <arg>] [-r <arg>]

or use the full argument names:

./seabs.sh --generate --pathIn <arg> --alloyModel <arg> [--countModels] [--createKodkodProgram] [--pathOut <arg>] [--kodkodProgram <arg>] [--absRels <arg>]
  • -p,--pathIn: This argument is required. Pass the directory that the Alloy model is stored in.
  • -i,--alloyModel: This argument is required. Pass the name of the Alloy model in the form [name].als.
  • -c,--countModels: This argument is optional. Pass this argument if you want to count the number of solutions for the model without any abstract function applied.
  • -k,--createKodkodProgram: This argument is optional. Pass this argument if you want to to generate a Java program which augments the standard Alloy enumeration at the KodKod level to use the abstract function to search for the next solution.
  • -q,--pathOut: This argument is optional. Pass the directory where you want the Java program to be stored.
  • -o,--kodkodProgram: This argument is optional. Pass the name of the to-be-generated Java file.
  • -r,--absRels: This argument is optional. Pass the relations which made up the abstract domain. If more than one relation, provide all relations as a comma-delimited list.

After a successful execution [kodkodProgram name].java will contain an executable Java program and be stored in the directory outlined by -q/--pathOut.

Enumerating Solutions Guided by Abstract Functions

To use the generated Java program to actually guide solution enumeration, run:

./seabs.sh --enumerate -p <arg> 

our use the full argument names:

./seabs.sh --enumerate --pathIn
  • -p,--pathIn: This argument is required. Pass the full path name of the Java program that was created by the generate command.

By default, the execution will report the following:

  • Time to translate the problem into a cnf representation
  • The size of the Alloy model as the # variables, # primary variables, # clauses generated for the SAT call
  • The number of solutions found
  • Total solving time

To display the textual representation of all the solutions enumerated, toggle PRINT_SOLUTIONS in main/scr/java/solver/Solver.java on line 23.

22. /**Toggle this variable to true if you want to be able to view the generated solutions**/
23. final static boolean PRINT_SOLUTIONS = false; 

Included Examples

Seabs provides 15 example models along with associated base models, as needed. These examples coverage a range of different types of abstract functions (from traditional to focused generation to symmetry breaking to modeling alternatives). The experiments/models directory contains all example models.

Model Base Model Abstract Domain Abstraction
objarrayAF objarray AbsFun.af: set Object Traditional - set of objects
bstAF bst AbsFun.af: set Int Traditional - set of integers
minheapAF minheap AbsFun.af: set Int Traditional - set of integers
dllAF dll AbsFun.af: set Int Traditional - set of integers
dtreeAF dtree AbsFun.af: set Int Traditional - set of integers
listAF list AbsFun.af: set Int Traditional - set of integers
graphAF graph AbsFun.af: Node x Node Focused generation - transitive closure
graphAF2 graph AbsFun.af: Node x Node Focused generation - reflexive transitive closure
bstp - Node.parent Focused generation - parent must differ
rbt - RBT.root, RBT.size, Node.key, Node.left, Node.right Focused generation - search tree must differ
listsymbrAF listsymbr AbsFun.af1: List x Node, AbsFun.af2: Node x Int, AbsFun.af3: Node x Node Symmetry breaking - non-isomorphic structures
bstsymbrAF bstsymbr AbsFun.af: set Int Symmetry breaking and traditional
multisetAF multiset AbsFun.array: Int x Int, AbsFun.length: Int Modeling alternatives - sorted array of integers
graphsymAF graphsym AbsFun.af: Event x Location x Event x Location Modeling alternatives - map between (E,L) pairs
graphsymAF2 graphsym AbsFun.af1: Event x Location, AbsFun.af2: Event x Location x Event x Location Modeling alternatives - two maps to allow isolated nodes

Relevant recent work uses Alloy to model micro-happens-before graphs in the context of hardware modeling. This work introduced a number of custom techniques to reduce the number of solutions enumerated since each solution contributed to a security litmus test. One reduction the authors desired was to create one representative graph from each class that has the same transitive closure, which can be done using our technique (see graphAF, graphAF2, graphsymAF and graphsymAF2 for two different variants of this idea).

Example usage

To run the list example, the following shell commands would be used:

./seabs.sh --generate -p experiments/models -i ListAF.als -c -k -q output/ -o ListAF.java -r this/ABsFun,this/AnsFun.af
./seabs.sh --enumerate ...[location of Seabs].../Seabs/output/ListAF.java 


Alloy Model

Below, we show an acyclic singly linked list Alloy model:

module list

one sig List { header: lone Node }
sig Node { elem: Int, link: lone Node }

pred Acyclic { /* no directed cycle */
  all n: List.header.*link | n !in n.^link }
pred NoRepetition { /* unique nodes have unique elements */
  all disj m, n: List.header.*link | m.elem != n.elem  }
pred RepOk { Acyclic and NoRepetition }

fact Reachability { List.header.*link = Node } /* no disconnected node */

run RepOk for 3 but 2 int

The model declares a set of List and Node atoms and constrains the List set to be a singleton. Each List atom has zero or one header of type Node. Each Node atom has zero or one following Node along link. header and link are partial functions.

The predicate Acyclic restricts the list to be acyclic. The body of the Acyclic predicate states that the list is acyclic if all nodes (n) reachable from the header, including the header itself, are not reachable from themselves following one or more link traversals.

The predicate NoRepetition restricts the nodes in the list to have different elements. The body of NoRepetition uses a universally quantified formula to state that as long as two Node atoms are different (disj), then the value of their elements must also be different.

The predicate RepOk outlines that a valid list satisfies both Acyclic and NoRepetition.

The fact Reachability restricts all node atoms to be contained within the modeled list. (This fact paragraph helps simplify the overall list model.)

Enumerated Alloy Solutions

Below is the first 8 solutions (of 42) enumerated by the Alloy Analyzer for the above list model for the command run RepOk for 3 but 2 int:

First 8 Solutions

While these solutions are non-isomorphic, more than one solutions contain the same set of node values. For example, the two lists (f) and (h) represent the same set {-2, 0, 1} with 3 values.

Abstract Function

The following is one abstract function for the above list model. This abstract function makes the abstract domain sets of integers. When used to guide solution enumeration, this abstract function ensures lists consists of different sets of integers for the elem values.

module listAF
open list
one sig AbsFun { af: set Int }
fact AbsFunDef { AbsFun.af = List.header.*link.elem }

Enumerated Solutions Guided by an Abstract Function

When the above abstract function is used to guide solution enumeration, the following 15 solutions are enumerated when the scope 3 but 2 Int is used:

All 15Instance

The set of elem values for each list are given below the graphical representation of the solution. Across all 15 solutions, none of these sets repeat.


  • "Solution Enumeration Abstraction -- A Modeling Idiom to Enhance a Lightweight Formal Method." Allison Sullivan, Darko Marinov and Sarfraz Khurshid. in The 21st International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2019).


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