
Rain radar tools are separated into Cloudformation stacks which each represent an area of concern

  • data - Essentially just a website-enabled s3 bucket. This stores all the raw rain images
  • configuration - Just a bucket that stores configurations
  • collector - collects rain radar images and stores them in the data bucket
  • animator - an http API for generating animated gif/mp4s from the images stored in S3
  • tweeter - uses the animation api to produce an animation for a given radar and time period then uploads to twitter

The design is intended to be modular; users of these tools may not need every single stack.

Get Started

The below instructions details how to start collecting rain images

1. Deploy configuration stack

Create a new Cloudformation stack using the cloudformation/configuration-bucket.yml template in this repo.


ConfigurationBucketName: the name for the S3 bucket. These instructions will assume the name is something like rain-configuration-<yourname>

Edit config/enabled_radar_ids.json so that it contains only the radar ids you want to collect.

upload the configuration files

aws s3 cp --recursive ./config s3://rain-configuration-<yourname>

2. Deploy data bucket

Create a new Cloudformation stack using the cloudformation/data-bucket.yml template


RainDataBucketName: the name for the S3 bucket. These instructions will assume the name is something like rain-data-<yourname>

3. Upload S3-explorer

This is optional (but very useful)... upload AWS Lab's javascript S3 Explorer so that you can easily browse the radar image data you've collected.

aws s3 cp index.html s3://rain-data-<yourname>/

You should now be able to browse the bucket content using the url listed in the CloudFormation outputs.

4. Upload layers

This script uploads static rain radar background images to the rain-data-bucket for each radar id listed in the enabled_radar_ids.json configuration file

./scripts/ config/enabled_radar_ids.json rain-data-<yourname>

You should now be able to browse these static layers in your s3 data bucket website.

5. Deploy rain-collector stack

See rain-collector stack for deployment instructions