
Track all crypto currencies and show the composition of your portfolio.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Track all crypto currencies and show the composition of your portfolio. In additional it generates a "tax-report". This is a list of tax-related trades (with the FIFO-Method)


ALPHA This is a new implementation of crypto-track and soon or later it will implements all features of the old version.


If you only want to use it, you have to install docker and docker-compose. After that you have to write a simple docker-file like this:

version: '2'


    image: rainu/cryptotrack-web-ng
    container_name: cryptotrack-ng-web
      - CFG_MONGO_HOST=db
      - 3000:3000
    restart: always
      - db

    image: rainu/cryptotrack-course-ng
    container_name: cryptotrack-ng-course
      - CFG_MONGO_HOST=db
    restart: always
      - db

    image: mongo
    container_name: cryptotrack-ng-db
      - ./db:/data/db
    restart: always

Now you can start this stack via:

docker-compose up

This starts all necessary services and a own mongo-database. After the initialisation has finised you can open the application in your browser: http://localhost:3000

The default credentials are:

  • username: admin
  • password: admin

If you want to custom these setup have a look at the config-documentation

Build Setup

npm install
npm run build
npm run start

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout Nuxt.js docs.


Each configuration can set over the environment variables. For example: if we want to set the server.port, we have to define a environment variable named CFG_SERVER_PORT. So the environment variable starts with CFG_ followed by the "config_path". Where the config path is UPPER-Case and each dot (.) have to be replaced with underscore (_).

building process

This repository contains the whole project inclusive the server and services such like the course-crawler. Maybe this is not the best-practice. But for the moment i don't know it better :) For that reason i created a own webpack-config for each sub-module. This webpack-config is responsible for packing and compress the node-application in its own dist-directory.

This dist-directory will be used as content of the docker-images. In these docker-images a node-js application is running. The docker images should be small as possible. But webpack can not pack all node-modules in one single js-file! For that reason each docker-image contains a package.json. And all packages in that package.json will be downloaded and saved in the docker image.

The docker image should be small, so we can not use the "main" package.json of this project. Otherwise the docker images will contain node-packages that is not needed by the current sub-service. Therefore i wrote the minify-package-json.js. This script will have a look to the package.json, look for dependencies which is not used and filter them out.


  • /common/ - common js files
  • /server/ - WebServer and client sources (nuxt.js app)
  • /services/ - additional services which is used for the whole application


This project is distributed under the MIT-License.