
Docker image for a build of Project Meteor.

Primary LanguageShell


Docker container for FFXIV 1.0 servers running with project-meteor-server.

The docker network uses MariaDB, nginx and mono under the hood.

Currently all the FFXIV-related servers run under 1 container and only 1 World instance is used. This might change in the future but getting this to work to begin with was already a huge pain in the ass.


  1. Build the solution of the repository linked above. (Before building you might want to commenting out lines 84-86 in Program.cs for Map Server and lines 102-103 in Program.cs for World Server as that behaves very poorly under mono)
  2. Place all build files under game/server/ so you end up with game/server/World Server/World Server.exe etc.
  3. Get the staticactors.bin file from <FINAL FANTASY XIV client install location>\client\script\rq9q1797qvs.san, paste it into game/server/Map Server/ and rename it as staticactors.bin.
  4. Copy all files from /Data/sql from the original repository under db/sql/.
  5. Copy all files from /Data/www/login_su from the original repository under login/www/.
  6. Set the PUBLIC_IP environment variable to the public IP of the host.
  7. Set the WORLD_NAMEenvironment variable to the name of the world you want to host.
  8. Download docker and docker-compose.
  9. Run docker-compose build.


  1. Set the PUBLIC_IP environment variable to the public IP of the host.
  2. Make sure you have ports 54994, 1989, and 54992 open. Due to how the servers connect to each other there is not much room for remapping these ports in the docker-compose.yml file to give you more freedom over selection of the publicly exposed ports.
  3. Run docker-compose up.


  • Q: Why does the server seemingly hang on initializing the database?

  • A: Because there is currently a bug with MariaDB where getting timezone information takes ages on HDDs. You won't experience this if your server has an SSD but if it doesn't, you have two options:

    • Wait around 20-ish minutes before it proceeds to initializing the database, then shut down all containers and start them up again since the FFXIV container will have timed out by then.

    • Add MYSQL_INITDB_SKIP_TZINFO: 1 under the environment key of the db service in docker-compose.yml.