
My personal Linux setup and configuration using Ansible

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My Personal Automated Setup on Fedora Workstation


  • Remove all unused default Fedora programs (DNF and Flatpak)
  • Add Flathub repo for Flatpak
  • Configure DNF
    • Enable fastestmirror
    • Set max_parallel_downloads to 10
    • Configure RPMFusion (free and nonfree)
    • Configure 1Password GPG key and repo
  • [-] Configure Gnome (On hold - PeterMosmans/ansible-role-customize-gnome#32)
  • Git Configuration
    • user.name
    • user.email
    • core.editor (default to nano)
    • Use preferences set by variables
  • Terminal Configuration
    • ZSH as Default
    • OhMyZSH
    • Powerlevel10K?
  • Install Applications (Make it a configurable list?)
    • Firefox - DNF
      • (if possible) Automate configutation (Extensions, Privacy/Hardening Settings, etc.)
    • Spotify - Flatpak (Installed with Flatpak)
    • VSCodium
      • Configure Extensions
      • Configure Settings
        • Window Bar Style > "Native"
    • Signal Desktop
    • Telegram Desktop
    • Discord
    • Thunderbird
    • Obsidian
    • Flatseal (Installed with Flatpak)
    • mpv
    • Parabolic (yt-dlp Frontend)
    • Gradience (Adwaita Colour Tool)
    • Syncthing
      • Configure client to launch on startup
    • Gnome Tweaks
  • Per machine configuration/specifics (Main Desktop, Pixelbook Go, etc.)

Things to note

  • The 1Password and VSCode keys and Repositories will be imported and enabled by default, even if you choose to exclude them from the package selection in the configuration.

Other Notes

Re-Enable Hardware Acceleration in Fedora 37+

sudo dnf swap mesa-va-drivers mesa-va-drivers-freeworld
sudo dnf swap mesa-vdpau-drivers mesa-vdpau-drivers-freeworld