
Generally useful utilities I tend to use in most of my projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generally useful utilities I tend to use in most of my projects.

This module is a drop-in replacement for node's util module as it includes all of its functions plus several pre-required modules, and a few generally useful custom functions.


Preloaded standard node modules:

  • assert
  • buffer
  • events
  • EventEmitter (alias,shortcut)
  • fs
  • path
  • stream
  • url

Note: There is no overhead loading node's intrinsic modules, so why not?

Pre-required modules:

Custom functions (see below):

  • defineCustomError
  • debug
  • unload

As well as these functions from node's standard util module:

  • debuglog
  • format
  • inherits
  • inspect


Lodash is extended with:

  • isNonEmptyString(obj)

    • shorthand for _.isString(obj) && !_.isEmpty(obj)
  • isNonEmptyArray(obj)

    • shorthand for _.isArray(obj) && !_.isEmpty(obj)
  • isNonEmptyObject(obj)

    • shorthand for _.isPlainObject(obj) && !_.isEmpty(obj)
  • setProps(target,...list) - sets properties from props on target, as in:

    • for each props in list
      • for each key in props
        • delete target[key]
        • target['_'+key] = props[key]
        • adds new 'key' getter and setter to target
    • return target

For example:

const defaults={ 
  b: false 

class Foo {
  constructor(opts) {

let f = new Foo({ a:1, isFoo:true });

f.a     // returns 1
f.a     // returns 32

stringify(f) // returns '{"_b":false,"_a":32,"_isFoo":true}'

Custom Functions

  • defineCustomError(name, fmt=defineCustomError.FORMAT)

    • Factory function used to create new error classes
      • defineCustomError.FORMAT - default output format: ${msg}\n\t${stack}
  • debug(...args)

    • Provides simple debugging output
      • args are the same as util.format
      • debug.DEBUGGING if true, debug messages are printed to console.log
      • debug.DATEMASK - default date format: hhMMss.l
      • see dateformat
  • unload(path)

    • Allows required modules to be reloaded - EXPERIMENTAL