
An OSX app to retrieve users' input data & have fun with them.

Primary LanguageCSS

Team Data Capture

An OSX app to retrieve users' input data & use it for something with Node.JS. The app is tracking :

  • mouse scroll
  • left click
  • mouse move

The app also has a messenger system, to send chat-type messages.

It comes with a contextual menu in the toolbar :

Team Data Capture Toolbar

Example app

The data can be used to display a spaceship per user ( for example ) : the spaceship follows the mouse movement, and shoots a missile on every left click.

Team Data Capture Space


openshift branch is for openshift deployment

osx_app branch is for OSX app

master branch is for server development


  1. Open Xcode project
  2. Product -> Archive
  3. Export as Xcode Archive
  4. Show package contents of archive
  5. .app file will be in Products/Applications/

To get the keyboard event to work, you'll need to authorize Xcode ( if dev mode ) or the compiled app to control your computer

  1. Go to System Preferences
  2. Open Security & Privacy section
  3. Add the app or Xcode ( if dev mode ) to the Accessibility list


Load all the packages

$ cd server
$ npm install
$ bower install

Start Mongodb

$ mongod

Start the server using grunt allow you to use liveReload for the front end dev

$ grunt dev

Start the server using Node better log on for the backend dev

$ node server.js


The main configuration values are the web socket parameters.


A Preferences window is available to change Host & Port settings. Open it from the menu bar item.


Set your ip address and port in server/config.js

exports.ipaddress = '[your ipaddress]';
exports.port = '[your port]';



We build a little api that allow you to recieve all of the events sent by the os application.

var host = window.document.location.host.replace(/:.*/, ''),
var ws = new Socket();
ws.connect(host, port);

ws.events.addEventListener(`onmessage`, function(e) {
	console.log('listener: onmessage', e);

Here is the list of the events:

  • onmessage: triggered every time a message is sent from the server
  • welcome: triggered when the client connect the socket. it recieve the list of app_client connected.
  • newuser: triggered when an new app_client connect.
  • closeuser: triggered when an app_client disconnect.
  • mousemove: triggered when an app_client move the mouse.
  • click: triggered when an app_client click.
  • messenger: triggered when an app_client sends a message
  • scroll: triggered when an app_client scroll.

User specific event:

  • closeuser_[id]: triggered when the app_client with the id=[id] disconnect.
  • mousemove_[id]: triggered when the app_client with the id=[id] move the mouse.
  • click_[id]: triggered when the app_client with the id=[id] click.
  • messenger_[id]: triggered when the app_client with the id=[id] sends a message.
  • scroll_[id]: triggered when the app_client with the id=[id] scroll.