
An experiment using Play2/Slick/SecureSocial together

Primary LanguageScala

SecureSocial PoC

This is an application to see how to use Play 2/Scala, Slick and SecureSocial together. It uses Slick 2.0.0 and an in memory H2 database by default.

SecureSocial is an authentication plugin on Play that allows users to login through a variety of methods, including through OAuth providers.

The blog post is at blog.lunatech.com/2013/07/04/play-securesocial-slick

Adding OAuth secret codes

SecureSocial requires keys and secrets to authenticate with OAuth providers. We obviously can't commit those. To add these secrets to your configuration, copy secrets.sample.conf to secrets.conf and fill in the blanks. The secrets.conf file is included from application.conf, and not from securesocial.conf, since it also contains the Play application secret.

Configuration of SecureSocial is at http://securesocial.ws/guide/configuration.html

Setup and running

Common setup:

  1. Copy conf/secrets.sample.conf to conf/secrets.conf
  2. Generate an application secret in application.secret (easiest way is to create a new Play app, then copy it)
  3. Set up your mail server or leave smtp.mock=true set in secrets.conf (you will have to look at console for output).

To run with Activator:

  1. Download Activator or brew install typesafe-activator or ./activator
  2. activator ui

To run natively:

  1. Make sure you have Play 2.2.1 installed.
  2. play run

Running with OAuth providers:

Here, we need to use a callback, so we use ngrok to expose the internal service, and don't really need nginx (but it's a good habit to use it).

  1. Register for any external OAuth services you want to authenticate.
  2. Put the oauth credentials into secrets.conf.
  3. Modify play.plugins to use the OAuth plugins you registered (a complete list is in play.plugins.withoauth).
  4. Download and install nginx (brew install nginx if you're on a Mac).
  5. Download and install ngrok from https://ngrok.com -- this allows OAuth callbacks to happen if need be.
  6. Start the play server (as above).
  7. Start ngrok with ngrok 8080.
  8. Modify the server_name in conf/nginx.conf to point to your ngrok URL (i.e. ei3fawekemf.ngrok.com)
  9. Copy nginx.conf to the nginx configuration directory with appropriate file name, i.e. /usr/local/etc/nginx/play.conf
  10. Start nginx with nginx -c /usr/local/etc/nginx/play.conf (to stop, use nginx -s stop).
  11. Go to the public URL of your application, i.e. http://ei3fawekemf.ngrok.com
  12. Go to Twitter, enter the callback URL as http://ei3fawekemf.ngrok.com/authenticate/twitter
  13. Try to login with Twitter, etc.

Note that you can also use HTTPS with ngrok and it will be correctly set up with a valid SSL certificate (which makes SSL testing much easier). You can also examine HTTP requests in ngrok by going to http://localhost:4040/.