- 0
Add "disabled" prop
#73 opened by wscourge - 2
Error on dragging in Safari
#65 opened by dreadsimon - 4
draggable 属性未清除
#52 opened by fwh1990 - 0
#72 opened by Keen-w - 0
- 0
把onDragEnd的逻辑 移到 onDrop 里?
#70 opened by vaynevayne - 1
Ant-Design table column header autoscroll is not working on table header
#66 opened by galaburdaEndermen - 8
Ignore fixed columns on Antd Table
#53 opened by balboFK - 2
[bug]table 行拖拽时, 红色辅助线是竖向的
#67 opened by vaynevayne - 2
- 1
- 1
Error on Safari version 14 and 13
#63 opened by chimemoo - 2
"isTouchScreen" is not working on desktop
#64 opened by minamichika - 2
Dragging broken for Windows machines
#60 opened by jamesonw - 0
Demos improve [Suggestion]
#62 opened by Amaranthusss - 1
- 2
Getting type error while adding children
#58 opened by rahulretnan - 2
Support Antd Table INSIDE Table
#56 opened by Maikel-Nait - 1
- 7
Not working on Touchable Screen
#42 opened by Azshar - 1
- 0
Error from Array.from in IE10
#25 opened by TarekA - 1
- 1
- 0
Change border style
#45 opened by vietanh3010 - 3
#48 opened by mar105 - 1
#50 opened by mar105 - 3
added types definitions in DefinitelyTyped
#54 opened by hirohe - 4
issue on onDragEnd function
#47 opened by tonieraco - 0
Handle Drag And Drop columns when there is grouping of the columns in antd table
#51 opened by rajat-sf - 7
babel-runtime 需要在 pkg.json 中的 deps 申明版本
#44 opened by soda-x - 2
Not installing
#43 opened by andrewkazan - 1
- 0
- 1
How to use in function component?
#38 opened by empz - 3
Antd table not work with column fixed
#27 opened by leonidkuznetsov18 - 3
- 0
#32 opened by chenxiok99 - 1
Drop target to closest line
#24 opened by Studio384 - 2
Draggable event not fired.
#33 opened by tahirhussains - 1
After re-ordering the rows how can send the order number for the final rows to the backend ?
#35 opened by PManager1 - 1
- 3
react-drag-listview can provide one Properties that can let antd table column cant't be drag?
#34 opened by Catsbe - 5
Typings needed
#29 opened by boufran1 - 2
version 0.1.5 not working for me
#31 opened by JensC - 1
#28 opened by Mathround - 7
- 14
IE9 support?
#18 opened by tonypig93 - 1
- 1
#17 opened by ScholatLouis