
Repositório destinado ao teste Front-End

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains sources used to compile the static hotsite. It uses Brunch to handle all tasks through a Node container (version 9.2.0). The stack is basically composed of the following dependencies:

  • Babel/ES6
  • React
  • Redux
  • jQuery
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Sass support
  • Airbnb ESLint


  1. Ensure you have Docker installed
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Copy the .env.sample file to .env, editing relevant keys
  4. Run docker-compose build to install all required dependencies.
  5. Run docker-compose up to start the development server
  6. Point your favourite browser to http://localhost:3333

Brunch includes a hot-reload mechanism. Changes should be visible as you save modified files.

Public Assets

The public folder is used by the development server to store precompiled assets and is purged by the build command, when exporting the application for production. Do not place public assets in this folder.

Instead, place them in /app/assets, since the contents of this folder are copied to /public automatically.

Exporting for Production

Notice: Ensure you followed the Installation step at least until step 4

*nix Users

Simply run the build task defined in the Makefile:

$ make build

Windows Users

Run build.bat, contained in this repository.

Notice: Windows users using WSL or Cygwin can also follow the *nix way of building, if desired.

This will clean the public folder (if present), and rebuild the whole application for production use. After the operation is complete, the contents of the aforementioned folder can be uploaded to the preferred hosting service.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are set in the .env file. This file is ignored by git in order to prevent leakage of sensitive information. Please update .env.sample accordingly when adding a new environment key.

Notice: After editing the .env file, please remember to restart your Docker container.

Using environment variables is only available in JavaScript files by using the $PROCESS_ENV_<VARIABLE_NAME> macro. Example:






The macro $PROCESS_ENV_FOO_BAR is automatically replaced with "123" (Notice: Quotes are added automatically)