
A simple timer to display the amount of time left during a presentation - handy for those pitches.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pitch Timer

A simple timer to display the amount of time left during a presentation - handy for those pitches.


You can configure the timer settings via the URL with the following parameters:


Parameter Type Description Example Values
time time Sets the run time 60, 90, 1:30, 15:00, 90:00, 1:30:00
warning time Sets the warning time 30 (Note: must be less than the run time)
danger time Sets the danger time 15 (Note: must be less than the warning time)
audio boolean Turns audio cues on/off Cues on: on, true, or 1; Cues off: off, false, or 0
command string Executes the specified command Command: start - auto starts the timer after loading

For example, the following will set the timer to one minute and thirty seconds with a 30 second warning time and 15 second danger time, turn audio cues on, and auto start the timer after the timer loads.



Travis Cannon, travis@traviscannon.com, www.traviscannon.com


Pitch Timer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.