The smallest and lightest scss library (formerly known as penguin library)
This is a micro SCSS library to help you build websites, without all the arbitrary selectors.
✓ Only 37.03 kB (8.9 kB gzipped)
✓ Modular
✓ 2 configurable grid systems (bootstrap and flexboxgrid)
✓ Adjust colors, borders, radius & sizes in the variables.scss file
✓ Responsive
Using bower
bower install sierra --save
Using npm
npm install sierra-library --save-dev
or manually download the library.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/sierra.min.css">
3. Load FontAwesome if applicable (requried when using forms)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
This micro library is ready to be customized by editing the variables.scss file.
Change these variables and you will have a new customized look for your website:
Variable description | Variable name | Original value | Alternative value |
Base font | $basefont |
Lato |
Arial |
Brand primary color | $brand-primary |
#1abc9c |
#3498db |
Brand secondary color | $brand-secondary |
#9b59b6 |
#2ecc71 |
Brand dark | $brand-dark |
#18232f |
#18537a |
Tables, forms and other elements bg color | $brand-light |
#34495e |
#f1f1f1 |
Buttons border radius | $button-border-radius |
2em (rounded) |
3px |
Body background | $body-bg |
#2c3e50 |
$white |
Body text color | $text-body |
$white |
#404040 |
Border color | $border-color |
#465f78 |
#dddddd |
After editing, run $ npm install
from the projects root folder to install all dependencies (needs nodejs installed).
Run $ gulp
to generate a new development file: dev/sierra.css
Run $ gulp build
to generate a new production file: dist/sierra.min.css
Since we're a very small community, we will appreciate every contribution regardless of the size.
We will be happy to discuss new features and possible enhancements, so feel free to use GitHub Issues for suggesting enhancements, new features and reporting bugs.
Once your enhancement/new feature is approved, you can open a Pull Request.
For small changes or misspellings, don't hesitate to open a pull request directly.
Before creating a new Pull Request, open an issue at GitHub Issues. Just to make sure everybody feels comfortable with the change. Remember to specify if you are able or unable, to develop the enhancement/feature.
Do not include unrelated commits in the same Pull Request.
Use .editorconfig file located in the root folder. More info
Use the .scss-lint file located in the root folder.
In order to make this library easy to maintain you can use mixins, placeholders and even functions if necessary. The golden rule here is keeping it as simple as possible. Sometimes is better a simple solution that takes a few more lines of code, rather than one that adds complexity for the sake of one-liners. Just use common sense here. In case of doubt join our chat at sierra-library gitter.
Many selector names can be improved, but try to avoid changing them (do it only if strictly necessary). We will change them in the V2 with BEM naming.
Happy contributing everyone!
Are you using Sierra Library in your awesome project too? Let us know in our Gitter chat or simply drop me an email.
Made by Joan Claret (@dpam23) and contributors | This library is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0.
Many thanks to Angela Lareki for designing some modules and Joan Leon for all the advices and linting files.