
It's a google translate for number bases made using React

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an atempt to create a base converter using React. It's inspired by another project called app-ideas, which suggest some creative ideas of apps to practice new skills/technology's instead the good old "to do list". The original idea is to make a simple binary to decimal translator, however, I decided to make something like a google translate for number and their number bases.


Expected result (To be honest, have some details that I didn't decided yet)

When the user enter in the page


In use


Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



First, in the terminal, enter in the project folder and type

$ git clone https://github.com/raissonsouto/bin2dec.git

Than enter in the directory created

$ cd bin2dec

And install the dependencies

$ npm install

Finally, run the app

$ npm start


Already Running

  • Translate
  • bases selector

Working on

  • dynamic textarea
  • Mobile version

Future features

  • Translate v2.0
  • A step by step to show the translation process
  • bin2bin (In bin2dec, the program translate a number in some base to the same number but in another base. In bin2bin (I didn't find in a better name), the idea is to translate this binary to another binary represetation (like two's complement, excess-128, etc))


  • This isn't an actual bug, but is something that I doubt. I don't know if it's better change the input value when the user change the input base or if I keep the typed value
  • mobile: infinite width and 2x height
  • mobile: base selector behind the input box


  • Raisson Souto
