Office Lunch Menu Management System

This project is a Office Lunch Menu Management System that allows admins to manage lunch menus and options, and employees to select their lunch choices.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize, PostgreSQL
  • Frontend: React.js, Axios
  • Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)


  • Admin Features:
    • Add new lunch menus and options for specific dates.
    • View employee choices for lunch options.
  • Employee Features:
    • Register and log in to the system.
    • View available lunch options for the current day.
    • Select their lunch choice.

Database Schema

The database schema includes the following tables:

  • Users: Stores user information.

    • id: Primary Key
    • name: String
    • email: String
    • password: String
    • role: String (admin or employee)
  • Menus: Stores menu information for specific dates.

    • id: Primary Key
    • date: Date
  • MenuOptions: Stores lunch options for menus.

    • id: Primary Key
    • MenuId: Foreign Key (References Menus)
    • option_name: String
  • Choices: Stores employee choices for lunch options.

    • id: Primary Key
    • UserId: Foreign Key (References Users)
    • MenuOptionId: Foreign Key (References MenuOptions)

**Run Backend: 1.npm install 2.npm start **Run Frontend: 1.npm install 2.npm start

Access the application:

  • Backend API: http://localhost:5000
  • Frontend: http://localhost:3000