
An end to end GUI based Application created using Python that facilitates the teacher to take attendance automatically based on the face recognition method.

Primary LanguagePython


An end to end GUI based Application created using Python that facilitates the teacher to take attendance automatically based on the face recognition method.

Frameworks Used

For Backend

  • face_recognition (v1.3.0)
  • dlib (v19.22.0) & cmake (v3.18.4)
  • opencv (v4.5.1.48)
  • pyrebase (v3.0.27)
  • sqlite (v3.31.1)

For Frontend

  • PyQt5 (v5.15.4)

👉 Here is a working demo of this project.

Main Features

  • Teacher can take attendance by using facial feature recognition in real time and view related information inside the app.
  • Upon request from the student, teacher can manually add attendance.
  • Admin can add, update or delete courses and register new students.
  • Admin is capable of bulk registration through selecting a csv file.
  • Admin can assign courses to teachers in order for the teachers to be able to take attendance.
  • Admin or Teacher can change their password at any time through a link sent to their email

Database Design

There are six tables in the associated database and the schema diagram is given below



  • The teachers will sign up
  • Admin will create/delete/update courses for the semester
  • Admin will assign courses to corresponding teachers
  • Admin will register students with the help of the data in a csv. The students were previously asked to fill in their information into the csv
  • Student registration process is very simple. As soon as the csv is uploaded, all the data will be saved into the database
  • The students are to provide a single image of their face renamed as myname.jpg where myname represents his/her actual name and this must be same as the name provided in the csv
  • Upon Successful registration the stdents will be assigned for the respective courses by the admin
  • The teacher will start taking attendance only after choosing the correct course otherwise the students will be detected as unregistered
  • The students are supposed to show their face in front of the camera mounted in the classroom and they will be automatically marked as attended
  • Teacher has the ability to add the attendance manually for a particular student
  • Teacher can view the attendance based on a certain date and also can export the attendance information as csv
  • Teacher can use the forget password feature in case it is needed

Flow Diagram

The entire flow of the application is presented in the following diagram



This image shows the windows that can be explored by the Teacher for various tasks


Although this application serves the basic purpose and fulfills the objectives, there are scope for further enhancements. The resolution of the camera plays a very important role in recognizing the image. A device equipped with a good processing speed enabled with a high end graphics processing unit is necessary

For further knowledge, please refer to this report