There are many imaging modes available on an ultrasound scanner such as Amplitude mode, Brightness mode, Motion mode, etc. All latter imaging modes are built upon the fundamental imaging mode - Amplitude mode or A-mode. In brief, the working principle of A-mode is pulse-echo sensing that is similar to those used by bats and whales for navigation. A-mode works by sending a focused ultrasound pulse in one direction using an array transducer into the human body. The same transducer is then used to listen to the ultrasound echoes bounced back from different parts of the body. From the received echoes, a so-called scanline that contains information about the tissue structure along the ultrasound pulse direction (at different body depths) can be deduced.
This program will generate a scanline from echoes received from an ultrasound array transducer, imaging two wires (echo data stored in text files).