
To scrape a site for all cp problems and their submissions

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


To scrape a site for all cp problems and their submissions

The repository reflects my attempt to do two simple things:

  1. friend_problem_lists: Get a list of all problems of any rating and store all the data directly in .xlsx format to be made available to utilise in a user-friendly way
  2. problem_table maker: Get a list of all problems of any rating, the submissions made by friend and store all the data directly in .xlsx format

Create a map of what problems should I practice and make informed decisions on how and which templated are to be used, strategies to be adopted for solving problems by learning from my friends submissions as well as filtering relevant problems based on solving habits and strengths and weaknesses of friends that is known

Scalability and Future use:
The idea can be extended to filter out existing dataset in the site for possibly the best solutions by the experienced coder or with help of premium proxy servers gather data asynchronously to get solving habits of both known and unknown friends.