
API I wrote as part of a job interview

Primary LanguageGo


  • Programming Language : Go
  • Go API Routing Framework : gin
  • Go Vendor Management Tool : Glide
  • Go Unit Test Framework : ginkgo w/ gomega
  • DB/ORM : gorm
  • Database : PostgreSql
  • Cache : Redis
  • Go Redis Library : redigo

Prerequisites (macOS):

  • Developed & tested in macOS; should work in other Platforms.
  • The following tools must be installed and available in the shell.
    • make | docker | docker-compos
  • Additionally required if planning build and run locally
    • go 1.10 | glide
  • GOPATH, GOROOT environment variables should be configured.
    • repository should be cloned to $GOPATH/src/github.com/raj47i/IntTestPlivo
  • While using docker, the following ports are exposed and accessible on (docker host)
    • PostgreSQL 15432 (user:plivo ; pass: plivo123x ; db: pli)
    • Redis 16379 (no password, db: 5)
    • API Server 8080

Quickly run and access APIs from bash

make docker-up

Execute this ^ command and start hitting

How to run it?

This service is completely containerized with docker/docker-compose. Hence, it can be easily run using the following commands.

make clean
make test
make build
make run
make docker-up
make docker-build
make docker-run
  • clean - ( @host ) will clean the output files created by the program (binaries, test coverage, docker-compose)
  • test - ( @host ) Execute Tests and generate coverage.html
  • buils - ( @host ) Try and Build go binary with name app
  • run - ( @host ) build & start the api server & open browser to HTTP GET /
  • docker-build - ( @docker ) Compile and build for Alpine linux with go:1.10-alpine; And build docker image for the api server named raj47i/inttestplivo
  • docker-up - ( @docker ) docker build & Bring Redis, PosgreSql (with DB preloaded) and raj47i/inttestplivo up in the background
  • docker-run - ( @docker ) Simple bring the docker cluster up in the foreground, from already built files.

How to run unit+integration tests?

  1. Bring the docker cluster up with make docker-up
  2. Open a separate terminal tab, and run the tests with make test

Install Make in macOS

brew install make

Install "Docker for Mac" (& docker-compose) in macOS

Simply go to docker website, download and install "Docker for Mac"

Docker installation can be tested with:

docker run hello-world