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  • This mini-project is the first step to create a Raytracing program, for you to finally be able to render computer-generated images.


  • The program traces rays from one camera to n objects, the objects have shading and cast shadows on each other based the position of a single source of light.
  • RTv1 takes as input a custom file format based on comma separated values (examples found in the scenes folder), from the file it can get these informations:
    • camera (location and direction);
    • light (location);
    • objects:
      • sphere (color, location and radius);
      • cylinder (color, location, axis and radius);
      • cone (color, location, axis and angle);
      • plane (color, normal and distance from 0,0,0);


To generate an executable for this project run make in the root of the project directory after you've downloaded or cloned it.

This project will only work on MacOS El Capitan/Sierra/HighSierra and even then, no promises!

how to run the project

Run the following commands:

  • To compile
    • make
  • To remove objects:
    • make clean
  • To remove objects and binary file (program):
    • make fclean
  • To re-compile:
    • make re


this program was created without much help from standard libraries, these are all the standard function used:

  • open
  • read
  • write
  • malloc
  • free
  • math:
    • sin()
    • cos()
    • pow()
  • mlx graphic library:
    • to create a window
    • use keyboard input

Parsing file format

Under the construction


camera <look from> <look at>  


light <position> <color> 


sphere <position> <translation> <rotation> <color> <raduis>


plane <position> <translation> <rotation> <color> <norme>


cylindre <position>  <translation> <rotation> <color> <raduis> <axis>


cone <position>  <translation> <rotation> <color> <raduis> <axis>


  • screen1

  • screen2

  • screen3

  • screen4

  • screen5

Resources :