
Test framework for Facebook WebApp

Primary LanguageRobotFramework

Test framework for Facebook WebApp

This test framework using Cucumber syntax and Robot Framework

Test cases

1. Login using valid and invalid credentials
# Keyword and Cucumber syntax:
user login using valid credentials
    [Arguments]  ${credential}
    When user submits credentials from  ${credential}
    And user selects logout button on "Landing" page
    Then "Login" page is displayed

user login using invalid credentials
    [Arguments]  ${credential}
    When user submits credentials from  ${credential}
    Then "Login" page is displayed with error message
2. Send message on messenger
# Cucumber syntax:
When user selects messenger app from topbar
And user send to a friend message content  ${message_content}
Then message content is displayed
3. Open and post info on group
# Cucumber syntax:
When user selects group app from sidebar
And user send to a group post content  ${post_content}
Then post content is displayed

Test demo

Login test with invalid credential

Directory structure

/Data               --> Contains user credentials
        /pago       --> Contains page objects
        *App.robot  --> Contains keyword using cucumber syntax
/Results            --> Contains all test results
/Test               --> Contains all test cases

Sample Run command:

# Put all test results in 'Results' directory 
robot -d Results Tests/facebook.robot

# Put test results in specific directory
robot -d Results/facebook Tests/facebook.robot
robot -d Results/messenger Tests/messenger.robot
robot -d Results/group Tests/group.robot

Add your credentials first inside Data/input_data.robot before running above command

Required libraries

  • Robot Framework 3.0
  • Chromedriver

Install libraries

Run this command on terminal: pip install -r requirements.txt

Get chromedriver

Download it here: http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads

Add it inside the project directory

On MacOSX, add the chromedriver on /usr/local/bin