hey there

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajagurunath

Gmail: mailto:gurunathrajagopal@gmail.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rajaguru95

HI, I'm Gurunath, I Love to explore different programming languages, frameworks, and Distributed Systems.

I have worked as a Python Developer, Machine learning Engineer, Data Engineer, and Platform Engineer (current role). Loves to build the Data product end to end. Trying to learn something new each day about software data products.

Jack of all trades

  • Learning Python to take advantage of data science tools, frameworks etc

  • Learning Scala to take advantage of big data, JVM tools, etc

  • Learning Go, Rust for Kubernetes, and system programming.

languages and tools:

  • 💬 Ask me about Machine learning, Python development, Platforms


📈 my github stats
