
Files for all of the below exist on the MSU HPC under /mnt/research/ged/ctb/tax.

Extract taxonomic lineage information for a set of NCBI accession numbers

Create a CSV containing taxonomic lineage for NCBI accession numbers.


./sourmash-csv-to-lineages.py gather.csv gather-matches.sig genbank-genomes-accession+lineage-20170529.csv.gz --extra-info extra_info.csv > lineages.csv

where gather.csv comes from sourmash gather -o and gather-matches.sig comes from --save-matches, e.g.

sourmash gather podar-reads.10k.sig fixed.sbt.json -o gather.csv --save-matches=gather-matches.sig

For some reason a few accessions do not have matches in our database; for those, the lineages.csv will simply output empty taxid and lineage column entries.

Kaiju foo

To extract a lineage file from Kaiju output, do:

./kaiju.py taxdump/nodes.dmp taxdump/names.dmp mircea_kaijudb-e/kaijudb_e_SRR606249.pe.qc.fq.gz.abundtrim.out

This will produce a *.lineage file in the cwd directory.

Comparing lineage files

To construct a lineage file from the output of sourmash-csv-to-lineages.py, do e.g. cut -d, -f4 lineages.csv | tail -n +2 > gather.lineage.

Then run:

./compare-lineage-files.py kaijudb_e_SRR606249.pe.qc.fq.gz.abundtrim.out.lineage gather.lineage $column

where column is one of (superkingdom phylum order class family genus species).

The output will be only_A only_B both_AB.

Note that you can specify -m to filter the lineages in the first lineage file by abundance (e.g. -m 1000 at a genus level would show only those genuses that show up 1000 times or more in the Kaiju file).

To run it for all of 'em at once, do:

for col in superkingdom phylum order class family genus species
./compare-lineage-files.py kaijudb_e_SRR606249.pe.qc.fq.gz.abundtrim.out.lineage gather.lineage $col

Specifically, you can do (on the HPC):

for col in superkingdom phylum order class family genus species;
./compare-lineage-files.py /mnt/research/ged/ctb/tax/kaijudb_e_SRR606249.pe.qc.fq.gz.abundtrim.out.lineage gather.lineage $col -o diff.${col}