IIT Mandi Alumnus | Software Developer | Open-Source enthusiast
bangalore, Karnataka, India
rajanbajaj's Following
- kennethreitzVirginia, USA, Earth, Milky Way.
- googleUnited States of America
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- rasbt@Lightning-AI , University of Wisconsin-Madison
- besrabasant@40bears
- jonkrohnNebula
- Mozilla-Ocho
- karpathyStanford
- AzureUnited States of America
- LondheShubham153TrainWithShubham
- AskannzNice
- calebporzioBuffalo NY
- dockerSan Francisco, CA
- brandurCrunchy Data
- akashs-indiaMicrosoft
- spino17Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi
- abhigyank@zulip, @KamandPrompt
- Masquerade0097Geneva, Switzerland
- abhijeet2096@kde @dominodatalab
- alexanderepsteinBoston
- gopalkriaggTonichi Printing Co., Ltd.
- indresh07@Google
- priyanshsaxenaGoogle
- shreyasbapatTekion Corp
- KukkadapuSushmaTexas
- prabhakarpd7284
- taniarascia
- swapsha96Level AI
- drygielWarsaw, Poland
- virendrasuryavanshiProduct @Refyne
- unkemptArc99Amazon
- SerChiragBurnaby
- chandan1794LocalFolio Inc
- sahilarora535Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi
- ankitamritrajIIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
- shikhar-gupta