
Boilerplate for performing CRUD operation on DynamoDB using NodeJS, Dynamoose and Serverless Framework with AWS LAMBDA

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DynamoDB CRUD with AWS Lambda, NodeJS and dynamoose

The repo contains a simple User's Model along with 5 functions

  • CreateUser
  • getAllUsers
  • getUserById
  • UpdateUser
  • DeleteUser

Dynamoose dosn't require you to write CloudFormation code for creating DynamoDB table, it does it so under the hood according to the Model defined.

Usage Instruction:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Navigate into the source directory of the repo
  3. Change the profile name(must), region and stage in serverless.yml file
  4. run npm install which will install all the required dependencies
  5. run sls deploy In order to deploy it to the cloud
  6. Once deployed, it will output all the endpoints which can be tested in Postman