Primary LanguageJava

EOTO (Each One Teach One)

It is a mobile application designed to facilitate knowledge sharing and foster a learning community. The app aims to connect individuals with diverse skills and interests, enabling them to teach and learn from one another.


User Profiles:

Users can create personal profiles highlighting their areas of expertise and interests. They can also provide a brief description about themselves and their learning goals.

Search and Connect:

The app allows users to search for other users based on specific skills or topics of interest. They can send connection requests and start building their network of teachers and learners.

Teaching and Learning:

Once connected, users can share their knowledge through various formats such as text-based messages, audio calls, or video conferencing. They can schedule teaching sessions, set learning objectives, and track progress.


The app provides real-time notifications to keep users updated about new connection requests, messages, upcoming teaching sessions, or community forum activities.


Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/rajandu/eoto.git


We welcome contributions from anyone interested in improving EOTO! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and create a pull request with your proposed changes. Our team will review and merge the changes if they align with the project's goals.


EOTO is released under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this app for personal or commercial purposes.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please reach out to our team at smartrajanmuz@gmail.com.

We hope that EOTO becomes a platform that empowers individuals to share their knowledge, learn from others, and build a vibrant learning community. Happy teaching and learning with EOTO!