
Prerequisite Nodejs (10.16.3) and MySQL should be installed

To Run Backend -

  1. Create a Database with name feedback in mysql
  2. Import the feedback.sql to MySQL
  3. Go to backend folder
  4. Run npm install
  5. Update database connection details i.e. username, password here - backend/src/datasources/employee.datasource.json
  6. Run npm start
  7. In case of error related to database connection updated - backend/src/datasources/employee.datasource.json
  8. Run npm start
  9. Go to http://localhost:4000 in browser and http://localhost:4000/explorer/ to try API's

To Run Frontend

  1. Go to frontend folder
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run ng serve
  4. Open Appication in browser : http://localhost:4200/