
A CLI tool to print gzip and brotli compression statistics for the files

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build and Deploy Coverage Status semantic-release npm version

A CLI tool to print gzip and brotli compression statistics for your files.


npm i -g compression-stats-cli
npx compression-stats-cli 


csc <file/folder path>
csc .


Compression statistics:
 - prism.css: 4.16 KB (1.52 KB gzipped) (1.25 KB brotli)
 - prism.js: 31.28 KB (9.83 KB gzipped) (8.66 KB brotli)

If you omit the second argument (file/folder path), it will try to collect the statistics info from the current directory.


This program uses the Zlib library that comes with Node.js, hence only gzip and brotli compressions are supported.

This requires Node.js >= 10.16.0



Include only the files with extensions specified. Just give the extensions separated by space without "."

csc . --include js css

Compression statistics:
 - prism.css: 4.16 KB (1.52 KB gzipped) (1.25 KB brotli)
 - prism.js: 31.28 KB (9.83 KB gzipped) (8.66 KB brotli)


Exclude the files with extensions specified. Just give the extensions separated by space without "."

csc . --exclude js txt

Compression statistics:
 - prism.css: 4.16 KB (1.52 KB gzipped) (1.25 KB brotli)


Skip the Brotli stats information in the output

csc . --skip-brotli

Compression statistics:
 - prism.css: 4.16 KB (1.52 KB gzipped)
 - prism.js: 31.28 KB (9.83 KB gzipped)


Skip the Gzip stats information in the output

csc . --skip-gzip

Compression statistics:
 - prism.css: 4.16 KB (1.25 KB brotli)
 - prism.js: 31.28 KB (8.66 KB brotli)


Usage: csc [folder-path]

  --help               Show help                                       [boolean]
  --version            Show version number                             [boolean]
  --skip-brotli, --sb  Skip Brotli compression stats  [boolean] [default: false]
  --skip-gzip, --sg    Skip Gzip compression stats    [boolean] [default: false]
  --include, -i        Include these file extensions only                [array]
  --exclude, -x        Exclude these file extensions                     [array]