
Language Server for Helix abbreviations

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Language Server for using abbreviations in Helix

This package allows you to add abbreviations to the Helix editor using a LSP server for autocompleting abbreviations.

You can define your abbreviations in a TOML file and use it in Helix.

helix abbrevs demo


You need Node.js installed on your machine.

npm i -g helix-abbrevs-ls


Create an abbrevs.toml file inside your Helix config dir ~/.config/helix/abbrevs.toml

Add abbreviations inside it like:

hx = "Helix"
lsp = "Language Server Protocol"
cfg = "config"
js = "JavaScript"
ts = "TypeScript"


Config your languages.toml to use this Language server

name = "handlebars"
roots = ["package.json"]
file-types = ["hbs"]
scope = "source.hbs"
language-server = { command = "helix-abbrevs-ls" } 

Known limitations

  • The language server can be only used for one language at a time
  • The abbreviations unlike Vim are not autocompleted as soon as you press Space or an Escape character