
Resources for my Azure API Management demos and speaker engagements.

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Azure API Management Demo

This repository contains the presentation and demo materials used by my talk on Exposing services with Azure API Management.

Getting Started with Azure API Management


  • Azure Subscription (sign up for free or use a sandbox from Microsoft Learn)
  • Visual Studio 2019 and/or Visual Studio Code
  • Visual Studio Code REST Client extension
  • ASP.NET Core 3.1
  • Open API Specification (Swagger)


Demo1 - Create Azure API Management

In this first demo I'll be creating an instance of Azure API Management which will act as a gateway for your API and provides many features which will be explored in the following demos.

Demo2 - Import your API

Now that we have our API gateway setup, let's import an API.

Demo3 - Testing and Mocking

In this demo I'll show you how to test your API endpoints as well as create new endpoints with a mocked response.

Demo4 - Policies

In this demo I'll show you one of the key features of API Management which is Policies. With policies we can set quotas, rate limiting, transformation and many more.

Demo5 - Developer Portal

Coming soon.

Demo6 - Versions and Revisions

In this demo I'll show you how to create revisions of your API for non-breaking changes and then when there is a breaking change how to create a new version.

Demo7 - Monitoring and Analytics

Coming soon.


All in one resource: http://aka.ms/apimlove

Azure API Management Overview

Azure API Management Documentation

Ignite 2018 Session: Expose APIs with peace of mind when using Azure API Management - BRK2200

Microsoft Learn: Architect API Integration in Azure

eBook: Azure API Design eBook