Website in which community can interact with each other.It is a Website developed under UCA class for our Web Project !!
To run this website run this command on command prompt on root folder.
npm start or node app.js
It will run under the url
Email and Password for Website:
Admin :
Password: admincq
Community Builder :
Password: admincq
Password: admincq
Email :
Password: admincq
- Dynamic Data by mongoose database
- Different View For User, Admin and Super Admin
- Capable for real time chatting in different communities
- Capable of sending Mail using NodeMailer
- Responsive Layout
- Mobile Friendly
- Open Source
- Use mongorestore command to add database to your Local Machine.
- Run Mongo Server
- Run Server File app.js
- Run local host on port number 8000
- Login using admin id or user id (For id and password see database)
- Users can join communities
- Community Builders can create and join communities both
- Admin can add Users,Community Builders
- Manages Users
- Node JS (Tested on v12.14.0)
- Mongoose
- Pre-requisites or Dependencies(Below)
- Mongoose
- Express
- Express-Session
- EJS Mate
- Node Mailer
- Multer
- Passport-GitHub
- Bcrypt
- Express
npm install express
npm install ejs
- Express-Session
npm install express-session
- Multer
npm install multer
- Mongoose
npm install mongoose
- Node Mailer
npm install nodemailer
- Dotenv
npm install dotenv
- Bcrypt
npm install bcrypt / npm i bcrypt
- Socket
npm install socket
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Encrpyted |
Name | String | Yes | No | No |
String | Yes | Yes | No | |
Password | String | Yes | No | Yes |
Phone No. | String | Yes | No | No |
City | String | Yes | No | No |
Gender | String | Yes | No | No |
DOB | String | Yes | No | No |
Role | String | Yes | No | No |
Status | String | Yes | No | No |
Flag | String | No | No | No |
Interests | String | No | No | No |
Bitmore | String | No | No | No |
Expectations | String | No | No | No |
Photoname | String | No | No | No |
Name | Type | Required | Unique |
Name | String | Yes | Yes |
Rule | String | Yes | No |
Location | String | No | No |
String | No | No | |
Owner | String | Yes | No |
CreateDate | String | No | No |
Status | String | No | No |
Desc | String | Yes | No |
Commphoto | String | Yes | No |
OwnerId | String | No | No |
Memberno | String | No | No |
Commuser | Array of ObjectId('User') | No | No |
Commasktojoin | Array of ObjectId('User') | No | No |
CommManagers | Array of ObjectId('User') | No | No |
Invited | Array of ObjectId('User') | No | No |
Name | Type | Required | Unique |
Tags | String | Yes | No |
Createdby | String | Yes | No |
Createddate | String | Yes | No |
Name | Type |
Title | String |
Details | String |
Tag | String |
CommunityName | String |
CreatedBy | String |
CreatedDate | String |
OwnerId | String |
CommunityId | String |
Name | Type |
Comment | String |
DiscussionId | String |
CommentedBy | String |
OwnerId | String |
CommunityId | String |
CreatedDate | String |
Photoname | String |
Reply Schema
Name | Type |
Reply | String |
CommentId | String |
DiscussionId | String |
RepliedBy | String |
OwnerId | String |
CreatedDate | String |
Photoname | String |
|___ Root
| |--- app.js
| |
| |--- Controller
| | |--- admin.js
| | |--- community.js
| | |--- discussion.js
| | |--- discussion.js
| | |--- login.js
| |
| |--- Dump (Mongoose Dump) (Dump)
| |
| |--- Middlewares
| | |--- middleware.js
| |
| |--- Models
| | |--- CommentSchema.js
| | |--- CommunitySchema.js
| | |--- DiscussionSchema.js
| | |--- ReplySchema.js
| | |--- TagSchema.js
| | |--- UserSchema.js
| |
| |--- Public
| | |--- css (Static)
| | |--- images (Staic and Dynamic)
| | |--- script (Static)
| |
| |--- Routes
| | |--- Handlers
| | | |--- admin.ejs
| | | |--- community.ejs
| | | |--- discussion.ejs
| | | |--- login.ejs
| | |--- index.js
| |
| |--- viwes
| | |--- layout
| | | |--- layout.ejs
| | |--- partials
| | | |--- header.ejs
| | | |--- sidenavbar.ejs
| | | |--- topar.ejs
| | |--- acceptInvitation.ejs
| | |--- addNewCommunity.ejs
| | |--- add_user.ejs
| | |--- changePassword.ejs
| | |--- communityDiscussions.ejs
| | |--- communityInformation.ejs
| | |--- communityProfileInfo.ejs
| | |--- communitySettings.ejs
| | |--- create_tag.ejs
| | |--- discussionOwnerInfo.ejs
| | |--- editcommunity.ejs
| | |--- editUserDetails.ejs
| | |--- home.ejs
| | |--- inviteUser.ejs
| | |--- joinedCommunities.ejs
| | |--- login.ejs
| | |--- manage_community.ejs
| | |--- manage_tags.ejs
| | |--- manage_users.ejs
| | |--- newUserDetails.ejs
| | |--- searchingCommunity.ejs
| | |--- showCommunitymembers.ejs
| | |--- switchAsUserAdmin.ejs
| | |--- viewProfile.ejs