
Master the most awesome language, one concept a day!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Coding is Fun! Do it everyday 💯💯
Master the most awesome language, one concept a day!
Learn one concept daily, code daily, add your own questions and solutions to the existing problems to this repo and submit a PR

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Table of Contents

Day Number Topic Website Link Category
Day 1 The forEach Helper http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day1/ ES Essentials - ES6 Helper
Day 2 The map Helper http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day2/ ES Essentials - ES6 Helper
Day 3 The find Helper http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day3/ ES Essentials - ES6 Helper
Day 4 The filter Helper http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day4/ ES Essentials - ES6 Helper
Day 5 The every Helper http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day5/ ES Essentials - ES6 Helper
Day 6 The some Helper http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day6/ ES Essentials - ES6 Helper
Day 7 The reduce Helper http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day7/ ES Essentials - ES6 Helper
Day 8 Arrow Functions http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day8/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 9 Const and Let http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day9/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 10 Template Literals http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day10/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 11 Enhanced Object Literals http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day11/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 12 The Rest Parameter http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day12/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 13 The Spread Operator http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day13/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 14 Extracting Object Properties http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day14/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 15 Destructuring Function Args http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day15/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 16 Destructuring Arrays) http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day16/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 17 Destructuring Part 4 http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day17/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 18 Destructuring Part 5 http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day18/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 19 Destructuring Part 6 http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day19/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 20 Destructuring Part 7 http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day20/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 21 Default Function Arguments http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day21/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 22 Class http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day22/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 23 Inheritance http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day23/ ES Essentials - ES6
Day 24 For...Of Loop http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day24/ DailyJS
Day 25 For...In Loop http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day25/ DailyJS
Day 26 Map http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day26/ DailyJS
Day 27 WeakMap http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day27/ DailyJS
Day 28 Set http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day28/ DailyJS
Day 29 WeakSet http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day29/ DailyJS
Day 30 Dates in JS - Part 1 http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day30/ DailyJS
Day 31 Dates in JS - Part 2 http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day31/ DailyJS
Day 32 Dates in JS - Part 3 http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/day32/ DailyJS

Important Announcement

DailyJS is now JS-Snippets

I am very happy to share that a lot of people liked my DailyJS initiative, I got a very good response, but I noticed something very interesting.

In the DailyJS initiative, I was sharing a lot of information in one go, and that too, daily.

I saw a pattern on my Instagram DailyJS posts' insights, the views were VERY high, the likes were a little low, and many people were saving the post.

From this, I inferred that people might be saving it for later reference, and I kept posting the DailyJS post, but then I decided to ask for feedbacks on how the initiative could be better.

So, I recently asked a few people about feedback, and almost all of them told me that the initiative is AMAZING, but, the content was too much to consume at once. People generally scroll through Instagram when they are bored, and tend to ignore the LONG posts, and hence, they save them for later (but that "later" generally doesn't come).

Hence I decided to change DailyJS to JS-Snippets, where (just like before) I will share a JS concept daily, with minimal details and a code snippet 😁

Hope you like it 🔥


DailyJS - JS Snippets

Day Topic Website Link Instagram Post
1 Date: Get hours, mins & secs http://madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/jss1/ instagram.com/p/B9RmEnXhAMO/
2 Digital Clock madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/jss2/ instagram.com/p/B9UZ9EZhNPV/
3 Date: Get year, month & date madhavbahl.tech/dailyjs/jss3/ instagram.com/p/B9W9svcBbN6/

ES6 Helpers

Till the Day 7 we have discussed about ES6 Helpers, which are as follows:

  1. forEach
  2. map
  3. find
  4. filter
  5. every
  6. some
  7. reduce

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I do not own the rights to the concepts I will discuss in this DailyJS initiative. The questions and concepts have been collected from various sources and I have tried to present them in a way that would be simple to understand. If you think you are the owner of any question or any code, send me an email at codetoexpress@gmail.com, I will be more than happy to give the appropriate credits.