
Various functions to process sound and detect human voice

Primary LanguagePython

Can analayze a wave file (or directory of wave files) of any sampling frquency and can save the following:

- a csv file in the csv/ folder:
Has three columns for time, amplitude, and speechflag. speechflag will be 1 if speech is detected in that sample
- a text file (in /txt folder):
has details of speech length and processing time.
- a waveform in png format (in folder /png) (optional)
has speech activity highlighted in red.
This is optional and PLOT_SAVE variable needs to be set True inside audio_analysis.py
- a binary file ( in /numpy folder) in numpy format (optional)

Just run it with the command:

python audio_analysis.py -i "inputfile.wav" to analyze a single file
python audio_analysis.py -d "inputdir" to analyze all wav files inside inputdir

use option -s for a silent output where nothing will be printed on stdout