- Customer Age
- Customer Annual Salary
- Spending score (1-100, 100 meaning the person is an avid shopper)
A K-Means Clustering algorithm is built around the dataset such that the customers are Seperated/Clustered into different catagories.
[ This dataset was used as it is simple & easy to understand for the viewers, please feel free to use datasets with more number of features ]
- Red - These are people with low income but yet high spends in shopping. - Should be presented with more discounted products.
- Blue - Customers with average income and average spends - Its volatile and much cant be done to this segment.
- Green - Customers with high income, high spends - Must be presented with premium products.
- Cyan - High income, low spends - Make them understand the brand/s more and push in offers accordingly.
- pink - Low income, low spends - Should be presented with discounted products.
This way Clustering can be utilized inorder to do Targeted Marketing efficiently .