Rust Password Vault

Rust Password Vault

Rust Password Vault is a secure command-line password management tool built with Rust. It offers a simple yet effective way to store and manage your passwords for various services. Utilizing JSON files for storage, it ensures the safety of your sensitive information.


  • Secure Storage: Safely store your passwords in a JSON file.
  • Add Entries: Easily add new password entries with service name, username, and password.
  • List Entries: View all stored password entries in a formatted manner.
  • Search Functionality: Quickly search for specific entries by service name.


Make sure you have Rust and Cargo installed on your system to build and run the project.


To run the program, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project from GitHub.
  2. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  3. Run cargo build --release to compile the project.
  4. Execute the compiled binary using ./target/release/RustPassword.

Menu Options

  1. Add Entry: Add a new password entry.
  2. List Entries: View all stored password entries.
  3. Search: Search for entries by service name.
  4. Quit: Exit the program.


  1. Menu Menu

  2. List Entries List Entries

  3. Failed Search Failed Search

  4. Search Found Search Found

  5. Goodbye Goodbye

File Structure

  • Contains the main program logic and the main loop.
  • Defines the ServiceInfo struct and its methods for handling password entries.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues on the project's repository.