Tests Dashboard

This app provides a Tests Dashboard that helps track the test results overtime.

Summary Trends

Summary of trends

Details of single run

populated on clicking the graph bar

Details of single run

This is developed using golang/tinygo/nuxtjs/Spin and deployed on Fermyon Cloud. It makes use of Fermyon's NoOps SQLite integration to store the results.

Supported formats

  • Go JSON
  • Rust JSON
  • JUnit

Getting started


  • Ensure Spin is installed
  • Refer to guide here for getting started with Spin and Go (I used go 1.20 and tinygo 0.28.0 for developing this app)
  • Install npm/yarn
## clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:rajatjindal/tests-dashboard.git
cd tests-dashboard

## run npm install
cd ui
npm install

## go back to parent dir
cd ..

## build the app
spin build

Running locally

spin up

## bootstrapping the schema when running locally
## connect to sqlite db in a new terminal
## and run the create table statements from backend/sql/create-table.sql
sqlite3 .spin/sqlite_db.db

### Inject some sample test results
curl -vXPOST http://localhost:3000/api/run/unique-run-id \
	-H "Content-Type: multipart/mixed" \
	-F "results=@backend/pkg/parser/junit/data/junit.log" \
	-F "metadata={\"runId\":\"unique-run-id\",\"repo\":\"rajatjindal/tests-dashboard\",\"branch\":\"main\",\"format\":\"junit\", \"link\":\"http://link/to/github/actions/or/elsewhere\", \"tags\":\"tag1,tag2\"};type=application/json"

### open browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/?service=rajatjindal/tests-dashboard

Deploy to Fermyon Cloud

if you prefer to run on Fermyon Cloud (like me), follow following:

## deploy on Fermyon Cloud
spin deploy

## bootstrapping the schema on Fermyon Cloud
## open a new terminal and run following

## find the cloud database name
spin cloud sqlite list

## Init the schema
spin cloud sqlite execute <db-name> "$(cat backend/sql/create-table.sql)"

### Inject some sample test results
curl -vXPOST https://tests-dashboard-xxxxxxx.fermyon.app/api/run/unique-run-id \
	-H "Content-Type: multipart/mixed" \
	-F "results=@backend/pkg/parser/junit/data/junit.log" \
	-F "metadata={\"runId\":\"unique-run-id\",\"repo\":\"rajatjindal/tests-dashboard\",\"branch\":\"main\",\"format\":\"junit\", \"link\":\"http://link/to/github/actions/or/elsewhere\", \"tags\":\"tag1,tag2\"};type=application/json"

### open browser and navigate to https://tests-dashboard-xxxxxxx.fermyon.app?service=rajatjindal/tests-dashboard


  • Add authn/authz
  • Allow pushing results for multiple services/tenants safe