Conference-Notify is an open source web based application that will aggregate conference information and allow users to search and create recuring reminders and feed for themselves
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[Improv.] improve schema for current mongodb storage , especially for category indexing
#36 opened by rajatkb - 3
[Bug] logger does not accepts unicode character, throws error , breaks the main thread
#65 opened by rajatkb - 2
- 2
Fix broken links in Readme.md
#94 opened by Aman-Codes - 0
[Feature] Email Subscription system
#96 opened by rajatkb - 0
[Feature] Log in system with JWT/Session
#97 opened by rajatkb - 1
- 6
[Improve] refactor app.py
#13 opened by rajatkb - 0
[Feat.] add new stream filters like 'update'/'create'/'replace' etc for ConferenceStream
#66 opened by rajatkb - 5
#67 opened by Aman-Codes - 5
- 3
[Feat.] insert to mongo db on having greater datestamp for deadline, trigger a rest call for same
#15 opened by rajatkb - 3
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- 1
[Bug] categories in conference collection is getting duplicated over multiple runs.
#64 opened by rajatkb - 0
- 7
[Improve] Update the main README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md and Scrapper-Service/README.md
#40 opened by thesagarsehgal - 7
[Feat.] add new Scrapper for Guide2Reasearch
#2 opened by rajatkb - 5
[Base] design suggestion for Search-Service
#3 opened by rajatkb - 2
- 1
[Bug] add close method to database and a process exit event handler for calling it.
#72 opened by rajatkb - 1
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[Feat.] landing page implementation
#17 opened by rajatkb - 5
[Improve] add adaptive recuring non blocking timeout handling for Scrapper.py get_page method
#29 opened by rajatkb - 3
[Feat.] implement routines for Conference service in Notifier-service application
#37 opened by rajatkb - 0
- 1
#54 opened by Aman-Codes - 1
[Improv.] feature suggestion for the Service
#60 opened by rajatkb - 1
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[Feat.] add getConferenceFromCategory() query to Conference model in Notifier-Service
#45 opened by rajatkb - 3
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[Feat.] landing page design for user application
#16 opened by rajatkb - 0
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[Test] add unit test for Conference datamodel
#24 opened by rajatkb - 2
Introduce unit test for Scrapper
#11 opened by rajatkb - 4
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- 1
Design Suggestion for Notifier-Service
#1 opened by rajatkb