
I am targeting to complete 100 Python projects with this challenge. Through this learning new concepts in Python. And trying different things

Primary LanguagePython


Day Title
Day-01 Anime Name Generator
Day-02 Anime Quiz
Day-03 Treasure Hunt
Day-04 Rock Paper Scissor
Day-05 Password Generator
Day-06 Escaping Maze
Day-07 Hangman
Day-08 Caesar Cipher
Day-09 Bidding Auction
Day-10 Calculator
Day-11 The Blackjack Project
Day-12 Scope & Number Guessing Game
Day-13 Debugging: How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code
Day-14 Higher Lower Game Project on Pokemon Stats
Day-15 Coffee Machine
Day-16 Coffee Machine(Using OOP)
Day-17 Quiz Game
Day-18 Turtle GUI
Day-19 Betting Game
Day-20 Creating Snake
Day-21 Snake Game
Day-22 Pong Game
Day-23 Turtle Crossing
Day-24 Snake Game With High Score/Read and write files in python with the "with"
Day-25 Indian State Guessing Game
Day-26 Nato Phonetic Aplphabet
Day-27 Mils to Km Converter
Day-28 Pomodoro Timer