Problem Description:
So we have an array of rows & columns. Each is a position in a game. The position of snake and ladder should be randomized at the beginning of the game.
It should be a multiplayer game. Each player rolls a die, gets a number, starts from position 1 and proceeds. If encountered a snake , he retreats to the position of the snake tail. The vice versa for ladder (where ladder is a short cut for moving upwards).
The player who reaches the destination first is the winner.

1. Board is square sized
2. No need to roll exact number to win (reach final position). for ex. player is in 97 th position. he can put any number between 3 - 6 to win.
3. Snake and ladder cant be positioned in 1st and last position.
4. No two connecting points share a single cell. (Connecting point means, I consider snakes and ladders are connectors between two cells. So each snake/ladder has two connecting points - start cell and end cell)
5. A single cell can be mapped to multiple players.

Note : 
GameHost is the mainclass that prgram starts
Each Class has its responsibilities at its top