
Runs Stryker for multiple .NET Core projects and aggregates the results

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Runs Stryker for multiple .NET Core projects and aggregates the results, based on this GitHub conversation.

TL;DR: Stryker cannot run for an entire solution with multiple test projects (YET), so we need to help it a little and run each project by itself and then join the results.


This is a first draft and could use some more error handling 😄.


  • Install dotnet core
  • Install global dotnet core tool for Stryker: dotnet tool install -g dotnet-stryker
  • git clone or download this repository somewhere
  • Update the datafile with your files. See DATAFILE below.

Running this script

Just call the script. It creates an Output directory from your starting path and will save all output files there

Files needed:

  • Run Stryker.ps1
  • Stryker.data.json
  • StrykerReportEmpty.html

What will happen?

The data file will be read from disk. Each project in the "projectsToTest" setting will be send to a Stryker run. The last generated json file from that run will be copied with a datetime in the filename to the jsonReportsPath path. After all runs have been completed, the json files in the Output directory will be joined and copied into the empty report html file by matter of string replacement. A JavaScript file from the Stryker CDN will be added to the html report as well.

The html report will be stand-alone after the run.


In the datafile the following properties should be set:

Property Example Description
solutionPath D:\Source\SolutionFolder\MySolution.sln Full file path to the Visual Studio Solution file that the Projects in projectsToTest are a part of
jsonReportsPath D:\Source\SolutionFolder\Stryker.Output\ Output folder
projectsToTest see below Array of projects to run

ProjectsToTest array

The projectsToTest property is an array of items with these properties:

Property Example Description
csProjPath D:\Source\SolutionFolder\src\ProjectFolder\project.csproj FilePath of the project file to mutate
testPath D:\Source\SolutionFolder\test\ProjectFolder-Tests\ FilePath of the test folder to run the tests in