
Example using ActiveMQ and showing bridging MQTT -> <Gateway> ---- AMQP ----- <Broker> ---- JMS + WebSockets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ActiveMQ Anywhere Example


Example using Apache ActiveMQ and showing bridging MQTT -> <Gateway> ---- AMQP ----- <Broker> ---- JMS + WebSockets.

Starting the MQTT Gateway

  1. cd activemq/gateway
  2. run bin/gateway console

The gateway is an ActiveMQ broker, running in non-persistent mode with transport connectors for MQTT ("mqtt://") and AMQP ("amqp://")

The gateway also has one camel route, that takes messages off a Topic (from MQTT) and puts them on to a Queue (for AMQP)

Starting the Broker

  1. cd activemq/broker
  2. create a directory lib 4 download the QPid JMS AMQP client library - qpid-java-amqp-1-0-client-jms-0.20 - from http://qpid.apache.org/download.html to the lib/ directory and unpack the jars from the archive
  3. run broker/broker console

The broker in an ActiveMQ broker, running in non-persistent mode (for simplicity) with transport connectors for openwire ("tcp://") and websockets ("ws://")

Monitoring with hawtio

  • e.g. start jetty - (jetty.sh)

  • go to http://localhost:8080/hawtio

  • connect remotely to the gateway: host=localhost port=8163 path=api/jolokia

  • connect remotely to the broker: host=localhost port=8161 path=api/jolokia

Running the test clients

Shell1> mvn -P Consumer - Uses a JMS Subscriber to consume messages from the broker Shell2> mvn -P Producer - Pushes MQTT messages to gateway

Running the Console

Deploy the camelone-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war to your favourite seb server deployment directory (rename it camelonedemo for ease of use)

go to http://localhost:8080/camelonedemo in your web browser

Setting up JBoss A-MQ

Firstly install the gateway and broker projects

  1. From root directory: cd gateway mvn install

  2. From root directory cd broker mvn install

The brokers are setup the same way in terms of transports as the ActiveMQ examples, except Camel is loaded via Karaf Features. JBoss A-MQ is secure - use admin,adim

The Gateway: transport connectors for MQTT ("mqtt://") and AMQP ("amqp://") Jetty should be running from the gateway on 8163

cd jboss-amq/gateway start bin/amq

load hawtio: in the shell run: JBossFuse:karaf@gateway> features:addurl mvn:io.hawt/hawtio-karaf/1.1/xml/features JBossFuse:karaf@gateway> features:install hawtio

Now add the camel route for the gateway:

JBossFuse:karaf@gateway> features:addurl mvn:org.jboss.fuse.examples/gateway/1.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features JBossFuse:karaf@gateway> features:install jboss-example-broker

The broker: transport connectors for MQTT ("mqtt://") and AMQP ("amqp://")

Jetty should be running from the broker on 8161

cd jboss-amq/broker start bin/amq

load hawtio: in the shell run: JBossFuse:karaf@broker> features:addurl mvn:io.hawt/hawtio-karaf/1.1/xml/features JBossFuse:karaf@broker> features:install hawtio

Now install Qpid AMQP-1.0 client as a fuse application bundle:

JBossFuse:karaf@broker> features:addurl mvn:org.jboss.fuse.examples/broker/1.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features JBossFuse:karaf@broker> features:install jboss-example-broker


  • all instructions assume you are executing from the top level directory of this project
  • it is assumed you have Apache Maven installed, and that you are familiar with its usage
  • assumes you are using Apache ActiveMQ 5.8.0 or later, or JBoss A-MQ 6.0.0 or later