
RabbitMQ HTTP API client for Java, Groovy, and other JVM languages

Primary LanguageJava

Hop, Java Client for the RabbitMQ HTTP API

Build Status

Hop is a Java client for the RabbitMQ HTTP API.


Hop is designed to be easy to use from other JVM languages, primarily Groovy, Scala, and Kotlin.

N.B. that Clojure already includes an HTTP API client as part of Langohr, and you should use Langohr instead.


As of Hop 2.1.0, a new reactive, non-blocking IO client based on Reactor Netty is available. Note the original blocking IO client remains available.

Project Maturity

This project is mature and covers all key RabbitMQ HTTP API endpoints.

Meaningful breaking API changes are reflected in the version. User documentation is currently kept in this README.

Maven Artifacts

Maven Central

Project artifacts are available from Maven Central.

For milestones and release candidates, declare the milestone repository in your dependency manager.


If you want to use the blocking IO client, add the following dependencies:


If you want to use the reactive, non-blocking IO client, add the following dependencies:



If you want to use the blocking IO client, add the following dependencies:

compile "com.rabbitmq:http-client:3.12.0"
compile "org.springframework:spring-web:5.3.9"
compile "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.12.5"

If you want to use the reactive, non-blocking IO client, add the following dependencies:

compile "com.rabbitmq:http-client:3.12.0"
compile "io.projectreactor.netty:reactor-netty:1.0.10"
compile "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.12.5"

Milestones and Release Candidates

Milestones and release candidates are available on the RabbitMQ Milestone Repository:




repositories {
  maven {
    url "https://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/maven-milestones/maven2"

Usage Guide

Instantiating a Client

Hop faithfully follows RabbitMQ HTTP API conventions in its API. You interact with the server using a single class, Client, which needs an API endpoint and a pair of credentials to be instantiated:

import com.rabbitmq.http.client.Client;
import com.rabbitmq.http.client.ClientParameters;

Client c = new Client(
  new ClientParameters()

HTTP Layer

The HTTP layer used by the Client is pluggable. The Client(ClientParameters) constructor uses standard JDK HTTP facilities by default, but Apache HTTP Components and OkHttp are also supported.

Apache HTTP Components

To use Apache HTTP Components, use an HttpComponentsRestTemplateConfigurator instance when creating the client:

Client client = new Client(
    new ClientParameters().url("http://localhost:15672/api").username("guest").password("guest")
     .restTemplateConfigurator(new HttpComponentsRestTemplateConfigurator())

This requires to add Apache HTTP Components on the classpath.

For Maven:


For Gradle:

compile "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13"


To use OkHttp, use an OkHttpRestTemplateConfigurator instance when creating the client:

Client client = new Client(
    new ClientParameters().url("http://localhost:15672/api").username("guest").password("guest")
     .restTemplateConfigurator(new OkHttpRestTemplateConfigurator())

This requires to add OkHttp on the classpath.

For Maven:


For Gradle:

compile "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.14.9"

Getting Overview


Node and Cluster Status

// list cluster nodes

// get status and metrics of individual node

Operations on Connections

// list client connections

// get status and metrics of individual connection
c.getConnection(" ->");

// forcefully close connection
c.closeConnection(" ->");

Operations on Channels

// list all channels

// list channels on individual connection
c.getChannels(" ->");

// list detailed channel info
c.getChannel(" -> (3)");

Operations on Vhosts

// get status and metrics of individual vhost

Managing Users


Managing Permissions


Operations on Exchanges


Operations on Queues

// list all queues

// list all queues in a vhost

// declare a queue that's not durable, auto-delete,
// and non-exclusive
c.declareQueue("/", "queue1", new QueueInfo(false, true, false));

// bind a queue
c.bindQueue("/", "queue1", "amq.fanout", "routing-key");

// delete a queue
c.deleteQueue("/", "queue1");

Operations on Bindings

// list bindings where exchange "an.exchange" is source
// (other things are bound to it)
c.getBindingsBySource("/", "an.exchange");

// list bindings where exchange "an.exchange" is destination
// (it is bound to other exchanges)
c.getBindingsByDestination("/", "an.exchange");

Running Tests (with Docker)

Start the broker:

docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.8-management

Configure the broker for the test suite:

export HOP_RABBITMQCTL="DOCKER:rabbitmq"

Launch the test suite:

./mvnw test

Running Tests

To run the suite against a specific RabbitMQ node, export HOP_RABBITMQCTL and HOP_RABBITMQ_PLUGINS to point at rabbitmqctl and rabbitmq-plugins from the installation.

Then set up the node that is assumed to be running:


This will enable several plugins used by the test suite and configure the node to use a much shorter event refresh interval so that HTTP API reflects system state changes with less of a delay.

To run the tests:

./mvnw test

The test suite assumes RabbitMQ is running locally with stock settings and a few plugins are enabled:

  • rabbitmq_management (listening on port 15672)

  • rabbitmq_shovel_management

  • rabbitmq_federation_management

To run the suite against a specific RabbitMQ node, export HOP_RABBITMQCTL and HOP_RABBITMQ_PLUGINS to point at rabbitmqctl and rabbitmq-plugins from the installation.

The test suite can use a different port than 15672 by specifying it with the rabbitmq.management.port system property:

./mvnw test -Drabbitmq.management.port=15673


This library uses semantic versioning.


See the RabbitMQ Java libraries support page for the support timeline of this library.


Michael Klishin, 2014-2016.

VMware, Inc. or its affiliates, 2014-2020.