Folder Structure and Naming Conventions -

Base project folder under D:/Glacier has numbered naming.
For example, One is the first mainline production and 1 is the first slack production.
These folders can be suffixed with - Done once the video has been published to YouTube.
In the future Mainline and Slack can be put into separate parent folders, but as of right now, this feels natural and it will keep me looking at each unfinished project more often.

Subdirectory structure under each of these folders -

Audio Takes
Processed Audio
VR Capture

The names are pretty self explanatory. An empty folder structure is stored within _template for easy copy-paste-rename sped-up process.

The filenames under these directories are not too strict, but so far 1.wav under Audio Takes and takeone.wav under Processed Audio has been making sense to me.
Rest of the two folders can contain native filenames (such as music title for BGM and timestamped video capture under VR Capture), these feel intuitive.

As of right now I am not saving the following into these folders -

  1. .prproj files.
  2. The video exports (renders). These are done to a default folder for now which I have shortcut'd to the desktop Premiere Exports.lnk.

As of right now I am not saving the following at all -

  1. The Audacity projects (in the future, they can go under an Audacity Saves folder.
  2. The FL Studio projects (FL Studio Saves, likewise).

The _template folder structure needs to be updated if I find myself using any of the above (or more) folders frequently over time.

FL Studio Settings for each video will be stored in each project file, such as will have the notes from the first video.
For elegance, I have put up mainline and slack folder structure into GitHub already.

Standard process for each project -

  1. Document into respective .md file while working. Refer to any previous .md file if you're using the same FL Studio Settings, etc.
  2. Time keeping. Mark when starting, taking healthy breaks, and getting back to work at what time.