
Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. RESTful Architecture

** 7 RESTful Routes **

BOOK Model

  • VIEW ROUTES * GET /book -> handles or html (this is a page to view all books) GET /book/:id handles or html (this is a page to view one book by id) GET /book/edit/:id handles or html (View a book form, pre-populated with data.) GET /book/new handles or html (View a book form that is empty )


POST /book -> JSON PUT /book/:id -> JSON (Update an existing book, by ID) DELETE /book/:id -> JSON (Delete an existing book, by ID)

BOOK Model + Author Model

  • VIEW ROUTES * GET /book -> handles or html (View all books, include associated authors) GET /book/:id handles or html (this is a page to view one book by id with associated author) GET /book/edit/:id handles or html (View a book form, pre-populated with data.) GET /book/new handles or html (View a book form that is empty )


POST /book -> JS PUT /book/:id -> JSON (Update an existing book, by ID, and maybe corresponding author?) DELETE /book/:id -> JSON (Delete an existing book, by ID,


  1. Resource-Driven APIs (IN REACT)

Resource = A single item in a database table (single row, single document, single object)

Collection = multiple items from a database table (Multiple rows, multiple documents, array of objects)

We abstract the views in react into API routes

  • API Routes *

instead of returning HTML or handlebar views, everything is returned in JSON

BOOK Model

GET /book -> JSON (Returns a collection of books from the DB) GET /book/:id JSON (Returns a single book resource form the DB) POST /book -> JSON (CREATES a single book resource in the DB) PUT /book/:id -> (UPDATES a single resource in the DB by ID) DELETE /book/:id -> (Removes a single book resource in the DB by ID)

To create a book, with an authorID as a foreign key, what must I have FIRST?

I MUST have an author. I MUST have that author's ID.