MEAN Stack - Assessment

!! Read each instruction carefully !!

Score (Total 100 points)

  • Node, Express and Mongo: 40 points
  • Angular: 30 points
  • Code Quality & Code Documentation: 30 points

Understanding of data and schema

We are providing a set of career dataset, This dataset having total 1473 records. In the below you will find a sample record.

  "title": "Leather craftworker",
  "category": "Manufacturing",
  "altTitle": ["Leather worker", "saddler"],
  "description": "Leather craftworkers make clothes, shoes and accessories from leather, using traditional methods.",
  "weeklyWorkHours": {
    "max": 40,
    "min": 38,
    "schedule": "a week"
  "url": "",
  "slug": "manufacturing-leather-craftworker",
  "yearlyAvgSalary": [
      "currency": "GBP",
      "type": "starter",
      "value": 14000
      "currency": "GBP",
      "type": "experienced",
      "value": 22000

Description of major field

Field Type Description
title string Title of career profile
altTitle array< string > Alternative title of career profile
category string career profile category
slug string A unique identifier of each career profile

Task 1 - Node, Express and Mongo [40 points]

  • Download the dataset from here and dump the data into your local mongodb server.
    • Db name should be assestment_3_db and collection name should be career.
    • Node and monogo DB connection credential should maintain via a configuartion file.
  • [ 30 Points ] Write a GET API, endpoint would be /search. this endpoint should accept 2 parameters: text and limit.
    • The search will perform on following filed into career collection : title, altTitle and category.
    • Response data should be array of object and should content all filed of matched record except url.
    • Partial string match will also return data.
    • text parameter should have a validation of minimum 3 characters.
    • limit is an optional field. Maximum count of the result whould same as limit. default limit should be 10.
    • If search not matched then it should handled via proper status code.
  • [ 10 Points ] Write a GET API, endpoint would be /profile/:slug.
    • This api will return only one record or zero for invalid slug.
    • /:slug is the same filed into the collection of each record, named slug.

Task 2 - Angular [30 points]

  • Angular version should be 10.
  • [ 10 Points ] Create a Seach page which should access via localhost:port
    • This page should have a input search text field. There should not be any button to trigger the /search api. The search API will automatically trigger as soon as input filed have minimum 3 characters.
    • The response data will show into a datatable (must). Datatable should have Title, Description and Action Button or link to navigate to the Career Profile page.
  • [ 20 Points ] Create a Career Profile page which should access via localhost:port/:slug
    • This page will capture slug from URL and trigger the /profile/:slug to get details.
    • Display the title, description and category into the page.
    • Update page's meta title and description. It should reflect into browser tab text in top. It will looks similer as red marked in the sample image below. enter image description here

Source Code submition

Source code should be submit via provided google form link via email. Make a zip of 2 the source code (Angular and Node) without node_module separatly. Size limit of each zip file is 10 MB. If the file size is more than 10 MB it means you have lots of junk file. We are not accepting such source code.