Get Started with CF-Tutorial

This is a small Rails application which will explains about the instructions to deploy an application to Cloud Foundry using

  • Ruby environment

  • STS


  • Ruby 1.9.2-p180 should be installed through rvm.

  • vmc gem should be installed to deploy the app to Cloud Foundry.

Setting up the application locally

  • Clone the project

  • Go to the app root folder

  • Run bundle install

  • Run rake assets:precompile

  • Run rails s to start app locally

Deploy the app to Cloud Foundry

  • Run bundle package

  • In ‘config/environments/production.rb` file, modify the below line

    config.serve_static_assets = false


    config.serve_static_assets = true
  • Run rake assets:precompile

  • Now push the app to Cloud Foundry using following command

    $ vmc push --runtime ruby19
  • Now push the app to Cloud Foundry using following command

    $ vmc push --runtime ruby19